web application development

03 Important factors to consider during web application development 

There are several factors to consider during web app development, including product features, monetization models, technological stacks, security concerns, cloud capacity, go-to-market tactics, and more.

The complexity of the web app development project goes down when the scope, timeline, and budget are made easier to understand. Although it may seem overly straightforward, this method serves as a solid framework that helps you quickly get to the heart of even the most complex web app development endeavours.

In this post, we’ll discuss the three most crucial aspects of developing a web app: its scope, its timeline, and its budget. This guide will help the top levels of companies, organizations, and corporations plan and carry out the launch of their next web-based product.

Scope, budget, and time - important factors to consider during web app development
Scope, budget, and time – important factors to consider during web app development

1-Scope of the web app development

While it’s one thing to grasp the concept of a product or the end result that’s to be achieved, it’s quite another to articulate this to a client. For this reason, it’s critical to define the parameters of every web app development endeavour. There must be complete agreement on the scope of work between the client and the service provider, which may include a web development consultancy or contractor.

Larger businesses have an advantage in understanding what it takes to build a web app because their in-house technology teams have already done most of the groundwork. It’s possible that smaller businesses and organizations will misjudge how much effort is needed to develop web apps.

Because of this, the manufacturing process needs to be accounted for in the project scope documents. With the use of a wireframe or mockup, both parties can have a good idea of the final product, but the service provider still needs to describe (and document) all the technologies, technical skills, and techniques that will be used to realize the project.

Depending on how complicated the project is, both the format and the content of the documents that describe the project’s scope can be very different.

Some typical parts of a scoping document are as follows:

  • Goals for the Project
  • Descriptive Information About the Product
  • Human representations of potential users
  • Functionality and features
  • Presentations of visual media (e.g. wireframes, mockups, workflows)
  • Specifications for Technological Stack Data
  • Frameworks, methods, and/or techniques
  • Project Team Members and Their Responsibilities Calendar

There should be two-way communication when settling on a project’s scope. The web development experts not only work within the client’s time and budgetary limits but also suggest other viable strategies for accomplishing the client’s goals.

Watch out for scope creep

Scope creep has a direct effect on both time and money, so it’s important to keep an eye on it during the development phase. 

  1. During the course of a project’s execution, it’s common for the scope to expand or contract. Product development is an iterative process that necessitates nimbleness and adaptation, especially in the case of new ventures or ground-breaking concepts. While it’s never a good thing, your project team must be ready to accommodate acceptable changes.

  1. The project team must be diligent in establishing the project scope and sticking to the project plan, allowing for reasonable change orders only in the case of simple projects. Strategic change orders are required for projects with tight budgets and timing constraints.

  1. Changes to a product that is the result of consumer feedback and testing are not always bad. If the scope of your project changes, you’ll need to plan ahead of time, get ready for them, and come to terms with the consequences.

Expected time for web app development

A web app’s time to market is influenced by several things, including the budget, which we’ll discuss in a moment, but is mostly dependent on the app’s scope and complexity. The number of person-hours or man-hours needed to finish a project goes up in direct proportion to how hard it is.

Consulting firms and in-house development teams have the experience to provide a project timeline based on the agreed-upon scope, which is strongly dependent on the number of person-hours that the project team will provide.

The breadth and depth of a web app project can be roughly divided into three tiers: a simple web app, an intermediate app, and a complex app.

1-Simple web-based application

Project managers, business analysts, designers, developers, quality assurance engineers, and any other professionals involved in the development process often put in between 400 and 800 hours of work. The team can deliver a minimal web app in two to three months with just two engineers.

2-Mid-level web app:

The average web app takes a team of developers around 800 to 1,200 hours to create. In three to six months, a team of two developers and other professionals can finish a web app that is only moderately hard to make.

3-Complex web app

It usually takes a team of developers at least 1,200 hours to create a complex web app. A dev team with two developers can finish a complicated web project in 6–12 months (or more).

Allocated budget for web app development

Web application development is a custom service. The accuracy of an estimate is dependent on the information supplied by the client. Customers will often describe their ideal product, then want to know how much it would cost.

It is essential for the project’s success to let the app development experts dig further so that they can better grasp the client’s goals and requirements and to propose technical and strategic alternatives, as well as best practices.

In the end, the size of the development team and their pay is the biggest factor in determining how much money may be allocated to a web development project 

Correlation between budget and time

Budget and timeline are inseparable in app development. There is a correlation between the lack of a deadline and the decrease in project costs. If a customer has a strict deadline, they will need to pay more.

When development funds are larger, additional developers can be hired or contracted. If the number of developers on hand isn’t enough to meet the estimated delivery time for a certain scope, either more developers will have to be hired or the delivery schedule will have to be pushed back.

Recommended: Mobile App Development vs. Web App Development. Proven Pros and Cons

Advice on how to keep web app development budgets under control

Your tips to control the budget of web app development under control
Your tips to control the budget of web app development under control

To keep development costs down, it’s important to be realistic about what can and can’t be sacrificed. Nonetheless, there are tried and true methods to maximize return on investment while developing a web app.

1-Create a detailed and specific scope of work:

A well-written list of requirements for a project can cut down on the time needed to fix bugs and improve quality control. Before meeting with a third-party app developer, it’s a good idea to write out all of your needs. If your company lacks the necessary skills in-house, you can include this requirement in the scope of the contractor’s project. The more clear and complete your functional and technical requirements are, the more likely it is that software developers will be able to make the solution you need within the agreed-upon budget and time frame.

2-Determine the best structure for your web development team:

There is a direct correlation between how you manage your development team and the final price tag of your project. Today’s businesses can hire experts from a variety of sources, including internal employees, independent contractors, consulting firms, and even their own extended networks of colleagues. These have their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

3-Dedicate a sizable chunk of time to quality checks

In addition, organizations should be willing to invest in quality assurance activities (QA). Keep in mind that you shouldn’t start testing before the project is ready to launch. Along the route, problems (both technological and otherwise) are guaranteed to arise. Some parts of a product may not work right in pre-release builds, prototypes, or early versions. Time and energy invested in checking, testing, and executing QA runs are crucial.

4-Get multiple quotes for the price

Even when we try hard, the final price of a contract is not always fixed and easy to predict. As a result, it’s a good idea to think of budgetary backup plans that can adjust to shifts in the project’s scope and timeline. There have been cases where as many as three distinct estimates were possible. We think that the best and most reliable web development consultancies are those that let you know up front (and in writing) how costs will change for change orders and when circumstances change. This way, you don’t have to deal with negotiations or haggling later.

Choose a reliable web app development company

Working with the right web app development partner will help you a lot in figuring out the scope, time, and budget that are so important to the success of your product.

You’ll have access to professionals like business analysts, product specialists, designers, and developers who can help you out.

You can count on them to help you hone your product’s vision to the point where it successfully accepts project risks and shifts in direction.

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